This has been another very full week, and of course being a missionary is still wonderful. I am just starting my last week of training, so transfers this upcoming week, well see what happens.
This week there were quite a few times I started to really miss my family, or feel overwhelmed with my responsibilities, but I know it is Satan wanting me to feel defeated. Knowing this, I was able to pray and serve others more and then feel the peace of the spirit and love for every part of being a missionary. This week we had exchanges, and I was with another Americana our STL. She testified so simply but powerfully. After exchanges, I really felt a difference in our teaching and testifying. I really feel like something clicked for me this week (not sure what) and our companionship is on FIRE! I love being an instrument to bring others to Christ!
Everything here last week was SO wet, it never stopped pouring rain, and all the streets and forests were flooded. It was really fun/funny, it was a mud obstacle course all week. But now it is back to 115 today, and very sunny, so thats good and very hot. When we left one teaching appointment one of my shoes was missing? We couldnt find it, and a dog had taken it. We were farther up on that same forest mud path , not close to our house. So after our 3 family investigators searching for it in the dark, I walked bare foot down to the bottom, and there was the dog with my shoe! It was so funny, and odd. If you ever wonder what my life is like, that pretty much sums it up...really funny, random, and awesome. We have MANY people we are teaching and many families that are so prepared. I love these people and seeing them change. One miracle this week was with Brother Ridento Bayoca. His wife is less active and one of his 6 children is member and is so strong (Christine). His other daughter Claire is so close to baptism, but was nervous to change churches because she is very involved in her Catholic church and her dad is too. We started teaching Brother Ridento, but he wasn't super interested. Slowly he has changed SO much. He accepted baptism for March 19 and has come to church for the last 3 weeks with Claire and Christine. It has really helped Sister Claires progression, and his other daughter Kristeen is now interested and we started teaching her this week. This is just one example of the many blessings I am able to witness.
This week at exchanges my STL asked what I had learned or felt. There wasnt anything super specific, but I felt an overwhelming love from Heavenly Father and Him telling me through the spirit that I am where I am supposed to be, and He is happy with me and I just need to continue. What a blessing!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Love, Sister Goodwin
(This was my, Nicole's, letter from Ash...)
I love hearing about all the things you guys are doing. Wow, the hawk houses went, that sounds like a big step, and less white trash lol. Sounds like a good family day though. I think I am the missionary that talks about her family ALL the time the most, but I love you and all the little things. They really are my favorite. But I like that because it makes my comp and other sisters in my house tell me things about their families and I know it makes me love them more and be more close.
Sorry for the last shorter less detailed message. It can be hard becasue it is all so wonderful and its not everything so new anymore, but I will remember to look for all the little things!
Love you momma! I always have experiences where I think specifically of you and dad and am so thankful for the way you raised me. We had a lesson on sunday in RS about becoming goodly parents and I can honestly say no one can have more goodly parents than I have. I love you, and hope you have a great week!
This is what happens when we clean and find things in our apartment we didnt know were there. We then used all of this for our performance at Zone Activity today! sometimes my hair wont dry because of the this is what happened.
We were the only ones on the Jeepney in the moring of exchanges, so here is what the inside looks like, buut usually crammed with people
I made no bake cookies! We took them to the Almonte family FHE, and they were so excited to eat something American.
Family Home Evening with the Almonte family
I made no bake cookies! We took them to the Almonte family FHE, and they were so excited to eat something American.